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Which Is The Better Butter – Peanut Butter or Almond Butter?

Should you ever have to pick between your beloved peanut butter and almond butter? No – and we would never ask that of you. But, which is “better for you” (whatever that means)? Emotional health is a thing and so is eating a spoonful of peanut butter right from the jar, so if that’s where you’re at, do you! For everyone concerned with the likes of sugar, fiber or protein, then read on. We dive headfirst into the jars (and bars) of our two faves and bring you the ultimate nutty showdown: Peanut Butter vs. Almond Butter

Which Is The Better Butter – Almond or Peanut?

So, there I was panicking in a grocery store looking back and forth between almond or peanut butter, asking myself: Did I come prepared to finance the high cost of this Almond Butter? It became my “for special occasions only” nut butter of choice. But time and time again, as I go to grab the almond butter, I hear peanut butter screaming at me: “I’m nostalgic, aren’t you? What about all those pb&js?!”

Ugh. You’re right peanut butter. Which one do I want for my son’s sandwiches this week? I always go for peanut butter because that’s what I’m used to but the days of multiple nut butters are upon us. So with so many options, it is time. Time to settle this once and for all — “Which is healthier: peanut butter or almond butter?”  

peanut butter with ingredients

Round One: Protein

Your body uses protein to rebuild tissue, it is a massive component of every cell in our human body. Protein has a large role in building up our bones, our muscles, our skin, and even our blood.

Almond butter is coming in hot with a large number per serving of 6.7g but peanut butter is not worried when he throws in an even greater number of 7.1g! First round goes to peanut butter!

Peanut Butter: +1

Round Two: Healthy Fats

Monounsaturated fat is a healthy fat that can help and maintain your cells. It also has shown to help control your blood sugar levels on top of helping with decreasing inflammation and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Peanut butter is feeling like a hot shot by winning the first round so he thinks nothing can bring him down. He comes forward with explaining all the healthy fats he is packing. Almond butter fights back with the same healthy fats except that 2-tablespoons of almond butter contain roughly 25% more healthy fat than peanut butter. Leaving this round to almond butter!

Almond butter: +1

Round Three: Vitamins & Minerals

These nut butters have tons of vitamins and minerals such as niacin, folate, thiamin, B2, B6, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and copper, plus more! These vitamins and minerals team together to help maintain healthy bones, keep your nervous system functioning, and give you the energy that you need to get through your day!

Peanut butter has 1mg of an antioxidant that not only helps with your immunity, healthy skin, and eyes but also helps stop the development of plaque in your arteries — vitamin E! He also adds 24mg of magnesium per tablespoon, and 0.6mg of iron.

Almond butter reels back and delivers a blow to our bud PB because he lays down the facts of his 4mg of vitamin E and throws in that it can also help neutralize free radicals. He also carries a punch full with 46mg of magnesium, and a tie with 0.6mg of iron. Again, almond butter wins!

Almond butter: +1

fresh almond butter

Round Four: Sugar

We all know what sugar is but do we all know how much sugar is added to our nut butters? The problem with most nut butters is the sugar that’s added. Sugar hides behind at least 65 different words but we are used to seeing like high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, cane sugar, and agave. For this debate, we are judging only no-sugar-added, natural nut butter.

Peanut butter and almond butter are both pretty low in sugar. We have Peanut butter with 1.7g of sugar in a tablespoon and almond butter with 0.7g. Peanut butter and almond butter have a low GI and GL which basically encourage the body to burn fat. (Learn more about low GI — it’s not as complicated as you think!) Low GI foods are balanced with fiber and protein making them slowly digested, absorbed, and metabolized and cause a lower, slower rise in blood sugar. Though both low, almond butter is even lower –so winner again!

Almond butter:+1

Round Five: Fiber

Fiber promotes good gut bacteria and digestion health. The recommended amount of fiber a day is 21 to 38 grams depending on your age, weight, and gender.

Almond butter gives the final blow with 1.6mg of fiber per spoonful. Almond butter is taking the lead…

Almond butter: +1

Round Six: Price

Peanut butter clearly has this round. Almonds are expensive, organic almonds are even more expensive due to weather like droughts and farming practices. So though peanut butter fought the good fight (and has loyal fans always in his corner!), his affordability can’t quite do enough to overcome almond butter.

After 6 rounds, the verdict is almond butter 4 to peanut butter’s 2. Almond butter is healthier than peanut butter but only by a very little amount. Truth be told, they are quite close on every level, which may or may not have helped you decide when debating in the grocery store. Keep in mind that reading the ingredients on the back is our highest recommendation!


Marg Perry, “Benefits of Peanut Butter,” accessed

Sylvie Tremblay, “MSC- Benefits of Almond Butter,” accessed

The Peanut Institute accessed

Sylvie Tremblay, MSC, “The Advantage of Almond Butter Compared to Peanut Butter,” accessed

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About me

I'm Brooklynn, a stay at home mama who dedicates my time to raising my 2-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son. I like finding the cleanest way for my family and me to live and when I’m not writing or being a mom, I enjoy working out, learning about aromatherapy, being outside, and reading!

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