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4 Ways Perfect Bar Fits Into Your Fridge Biz

Having a successful wholesale business can be challenging. There’s ordering, merchandising, promoting and pricing that all need to be taken into consideration, never mind aligning with brands and products your employees and clientele will love.

As the Original Refrigerated Protein Bar, we know a thing or two about running a fruitful fridge biz. Here are four reasons why Perfect Bar can make your fridge business a little cooler:

perfect pairingWe Pair Well With Others

Perfect Bar is a complimentary item in your fridge, meaning it pairs well with other fridge items like water, kombucha, or coffee. Instead of offering multiple competitive items (2 different water brands, protein shakes or recovery drinks), reduce your category items down to increase space for complimentary products.

Did you know 79% of the time Perfect Bar is purchased, so is a kombucha[1]? Consumers are more likely to purchase two complimentary items like a water and a Perfect Bar than purchasing two competing items like a recovery drink and protein shake. This will increase space in your fridge, reduce competing items and drive incremental sales.

We Don’t Take Up Much Room

Fridge space productivity is important. Refrigerated shelf space is precious and you want items that take up little space and sell fast. In approximately 6” of linear space (6” x 6” x 6”), you can stock 24 Perfect Bars; whereas carrying beverage bottles you will only be able to stock approximately 3 to 6 units. Carving out a little more space for Perfect Bar will increase space productivity and lead to incremental sales.

perfect bar freshFresher Is Better

Perimeter shopping, that is, shopping the outsides of the grocery store where fresh food is found versus the inside aisles of more processed foods, is on the rise as consumers search for healthier, on-the-go snacks that align with their lifestyle and diet values. According to Sally Wyatt, IRI’s Executive Vice President, sales growth on the perimeter aisles (produce, meat, dairy, seafood, & bakery) were 2.7 times greater than the whole store. With 95% of all Americans snacking at least once a day2, your business can thrive by offering items that cater to your consumers’ requests.

In the bar category, 85% of consumers say the products help them maintain a healthy lifestyle and 64% of millennials deem freshness as the most important factor when choosing a snack.[2] Perfect Bar’s clean label, touted certifications, use of whole food protein, and lack of preservatives and artificial ingredients answer consumer needs for fresh snacking. With the ability to take Perfect Bar on-the-go for 1-week at room temperature, it supports the busy lifestyle of the modern consumer.

No Spoiling

Unlike dairy and eggs that have a short shelf life due to spoilage, Perfect Bar guarantees a 6-month shelf life with every order. Giving you ample amount of time to sell our minimum of 144 bars.

Interested in joining our Wholesale Program, fill out our WHOLESALE APPLICATION to get started!


[1] Perfect Bar Consumer Segmentation conducted by Mindsight

[2] Mintel Snack, Nutrition and Performance Bars – May 2016 / Mintel Snacking Motivations and Attitudes – May 2015

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About me

Dustin is the Wholesale Manager at Perfect Bar.


  1. I’m the buyer for an organic juice bar and market in Frenchtown, New Jersey. I am in love with your bars and think you would be the perfect addition to our shop. I look forward to hearing from you and learning more about your wholesale program.

    1. Hey Aubrey — We are so happy to hear you are a fan of our bars and we hope we’ll be the perfect fit at your organic juice bar and market! Cheers to good health!

    1. Hey Fanny — Thanks for reaching out to us with this interest! Please feel free to check out our products page via to see our full lineup of flavors and products. Cheers to good health!

  2. We own a boutique fitness studio in Alexandria, VA just outside of DC and are obsessed with Perfect Bars. We would love to bring that obsession to our clients. Please contact me to get all set up!

    1. Hey Kristin — So happy to hear that! Please feel free to apply to our wholesale program via and someone from our team will be in touch! Cheers to good health!

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