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Perfect Snacks Unwrapped

Perfect Bar Unwrapped: Rose Hip

In Perfect Bar Unwrapped, we’re sharing exactly what goes into our bars that makes ‘em so darn good for you. That’s why each month we’ll be highlighting one of the 20 powerful superfoods included in the Keith family’s age-old recipe, complete with all of its uses, benefits, and a recipe of your own to try. Because, when we find something amazing, we’re all about sharing the wealth with the people we love.

Meet Rose Hip

When we find something that makes you look this good on the outside, and feel this amazing on the inside, it’s hard for us not to spread the news. Because we love you guys, we’re going to shoot from the (rose)hip and get you all caught up on why this lesser-known superfood is one that should be all over your radar.

What is it?

We’ve all appreciated a gorgeous bouquet of roses (hopefully as a gesture of ‘I love you’ instead of ‘I’m sorry’) with their intoxicating scent and vibrant color, but did you know that this flower actually contains a fruit, too? Yep—just beneath those lovely little petals is the fruit called rose hip, known less for its romanticism and more for its medicinal properties. In fact, its hailed as one of the most nutritionally packed fruits of any plant. (No wonder it’s a superfood!)

You’ll typically find them in late summer or early autumn once the rose flower has pollinated and the bud has fallen off. Without the flower, people tend to overlook the plant, but its most redeeming quality (the hip!) is still forming. These little guys are similar in size and shape to cherry tomatoes, and usually, boast the same bright red color, but you may also see them in shades of orange, purple or black. (Gosh, do we love a fruit that can pull off any color.)

The Benefits

Small in size, but bursting with benefits, rose hip is one of the most sought after products in natural health markets—and for good reason. Their genetic makeup of vitamins, minerals, organic compounds and essential nutrients make them a nutritional force to be reckoned with; antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, iron, selenium, manganese, potassium, sulfur, silicon, zinc, pectin and beta-carotene are some of the leading components that contribute to rose hip’s superstar status as a source of medicinal value.

  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Boosts immune system
  • Lowers risk of diabetes
  • Keeps skin healthy & wrinkle free
  • Prevents cancer & chronic diseases
  • Aids digestion
  • Reduces risk of osteoporosis
  • Improves blood circulation
  • decreases inflammation
  • Aids in healing of cuts and wounds
  • Reduces symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Are you starting to see why these mini medicinal miracles are so freakin’ awesome? We won’t judge if you already ran out to your garden to find yourself some hips before finishing that list—we would do the same.

The Uses

Believe it or not, there are even more ways to use and prepare rose hip than there are benefits, and we thought that benefits list was pretty darn long. The versatile ingredient can be simmered, soaked, sipped, ingested, topically applied, grounded, boiled—all depending on what you’re using it for and your taste preferences. Oh yes, we forgot to mention rose hip also has a delicious flavor when prepared properly: syrups, soups, bread, wines, pies, jams and jellies often showcase the autumn fruit.

Here are a few different suggestions for uses in different forms:

  • Rose Hip Oil: As a topical beauty product to improve complexion and to treat skin conditions & injuries.
  • Rose Hip Syrup: As an analgesic & for immunity purposes.
  • Rose Hip Powder: As an anti-inflammatory & to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Rose Hip Tea: For therapeutic & digestive aid.
  • Rose Hip Jam/Jellies: For general medicinal properties.
  • Rose Hip Wine: For general nutritional value.

You can find many of these prepared variations in natural food or beauty stores, but if you want to try out your green thumb and cultivate some rose hip yourself, there are plenty of instructions online for how to do so.  And remember, like anything, moderation is key, especially when trying something new. There is lot that this superfood has to offer so as you begin to introduce rose hip into your routine, listen to your body and act accordingly.

The Recipe

As we mentioned, rose hip does wonders for your skin, and is a go-to ingredient for natural skincare and beauty products that moisturize and reduce the signs of aging. Because we want you to make the most of all this superfood’s healing properties, we present you with this easy recipe for a Rose Hip Milk Bath Bomb that your entire body will enjoy. A little DIY work in the kitchen will be well worth the effort once you finally sink into that warm water, relax and let the rose hip work its magic. (And if you haven’t already run yourself a bath, it’s worth noting that these make great gifts!)



  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ cup citric acid
  • ½ cup cornstarch
  • ¼ cup dry milk
  • 3 tablespoons Epsom salt
  • Handful dried rose hip
  • Handful dried rose petals (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • 3-4 teaspoons almond oil
  • 15-20 drops rose hip seed oil


  1. In a large bowl combine baking soda, citric acid, cornstarch, milk powder, and Epsom salt. Add rose hip and petals (optional) that have been cut into small pieces.
  2. In a small cup or bowl stir together water, almond oil, and rose hip essential oil.
  3. Combine wet ingredients with dry mixture. Test mixture by grabbing a handful and making a fist. If it holds its shape it’s ready to be placed in the mold. If it’s too dry (the mixture crumbles once you open your fist) use a spray bottle to LIGHTLY spray water 1-2 times, until you can form a shape. Do not overspray or the mixture will begin to fizz and not form correctly.
  4. Use plastic ornament molds to make the bath bombs. We suggest you over fill each half then press them together until the excess falls out. This way you’ll have a compact bath bomb that won’t fall apart when you open the mold. You can also use silicone molds to make small bath bombs. This recipe makes 3 medium bath bombs or 2 medium and 8 small bath bomb fizzies.
  5. Leave bath bombs to dry overnight before removing from mold. Allow them to dry on a towel for a few hours before using or wrapping.


With this wealth of new knowledge and your freshly pampered skin, we think it’s safe to say everything’s coming up roses.

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About me

Cat Canada is the Content Manager at Perfect Bar.

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